Peruvian Chica de Jora, also known as Jora seasoning, is a traditional fermented beverage made from jora, which is germinated corn. This ancient drink has roots in Andean culture and is particularly associated with the highland regions of Peru. Chica de Jora is known for its slightly sour, fruity flavour and is often consumed during festivals, rituals, and social gatherings.
While Chica de Jora is primarily enjoyed as a beverage, it can also be used as a seasoning or marinade for various dishes, particularly meats. Its slightly sour and fermented flavour can add depth to stews and grilled dishes. Chica de Jora is considered a nutritious drink, rich in vitamins and minerals from the corn. The fermentation process also adds probiotics, which can be beneficial for digestion.
Chicha de Jora (Jora Seasoning) - 1 L